Thursday, May 05, 2005


another blog is born

the end of something usually signifies the beginning of another.

nothing too morbid. but it's just the end of exams and the end of yet another semester!

and thus begins the new life of my public blog (public because i have another private one, read by a few souls whom i'm eternally thankful for) so another new blog is born! i mean, nothing too special. i mean, what is so special about the 12,665,799th blogspot blog?

so just allow me to have my take on life here. be it cynical, hilarious or juvenile, it's all written in my most humble opinion. leave your comments, hate mails or "i wish you well"s (don't worry, i don't think it's 老土 *grin*) and.... depending on my mood of the day, i'll get back to ya!


I write, to express myself, though sometimes words fail me and thoughts strangle me. My mind is my best journal, however it is not eternal and memories can be lost.

I am the only one who knows the full and complete extent of my own activities.

And i've decided to tell all (yeah right). I write in order to understand myself and I shall write as honestly as i can (which often is the hardest thing). This doesn't mean that i'm reliable. Ihe man who passes himself off as reliable in anything he writes about his own life has generally capsized before he's even set out on that hazardous voyage.


Whatever the case, thanks for reading.
and travelling along with me
as i embark on a journey to define myself

The question is:
do we want to do that?
maybe a life with blurred boundaries is more interesting.
the beauty of the mysterious and unknown


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