Thursday, August 18, 2005
Bright and early I rose, almost eager to go to school;
For perhaps the last time, in the next 5 months to come.Trodded the path so often done,
Up to Arts canteen.
Heaven, Earth and Hell.
Despite the sweltering heat and breezeless day,
A fuzzy warmth lingers in my heart.
Not of heat but of memories,
Of friendship and the many lunches,
and the light that shines through too.I sat down with my soy bean milk,
revishing the moment.
Familiar faces dotted the place,
the usual 8am crowd.
Just let me linger, a little longer here with you.
"...Mm-Mm it’s such a perfect night
Mm-Mm It doesn’t seen quite right
Mm-Mm That it’s my last night here with you..."
"Grace was in all her steps,
Heaven in her eye,
In every gesture,
Dignity and love."
And there she has been,
Returned to the Lord since 1999.
A girl of vibrant youth,
consumed by the heartless waters
But in Ubin, the pain will stay.
But here in my heart,
The pain lingers,
The loss felt.
And I couldn't even remember,
The last night there with you
And how I fear,
That as I grow old and older,
That I might remember less and lesser
Of the lovely girl in Nanyang uniform,
Black specs and pinned up hair.
Took a walk down memory lane I did.
And before I leave Mandai,
I thanked her for having touched my life so.
And I'm sure,
I've got a blessing in return.
"...Mm-Mm and come September
Mm-Mm We’ll all remember
Mm-Mm Our lasting friendship true and strong.."
A lunch with beloved Xynath!
Gene, Wan Ling and Jerald too.
Tea with Shilin, many stories shared.
Do this all again we will!
When December ends.
"...Mm-Mm and as the years go by
Mm-Mm I'll think of you and sigh
Mm-Mm This is goodnight and not good bye..."
And what an AGM it was!
The completion of a cycle.
The new steps up, the old steps back.
But we shared many a moment,
That will last till the end.
As I bid "goodnight"s
and said "take care"s
I stood still, and lingered there.
Goodnight is not forever goodbye
I'll still go back, to the range sometime.
See you there.
"...Mm-Mm I want to linger here
Mm-Mm a little longer here
Mm-Mm a little longer here with you..."