Wednesday, June 13, 2007




(actually I wondered who still reads this. Take this as a self-exclamation and some sort of a valid but lame reason/ excuse to not have blogged for the last goodness-how-long. Accepted? Why thank you. *smile*)

Believe me. I really did wanted to blog all of the last sem. Well, at least after finishing the thesis and all, but I had a hard time logging into blogger. Kept getting stuck without getting into this "Create new post" page. So, yes. Finally, a stroke of genius (a very slow and dense genius, but still genius nonetheless) got me downloading Firefox (told you I'm slow already) allowed me to enter blogger effortlessly. Now. Why didn't ANYBODY tell me changing a browser would help?

Don't tell me cos I didn't ask. That's my line.

It's good to be back. I feel rusty and my dictionary seems to be eroding away, leaving behind numbers and words like "elasticity" and "welfare". Bleah. Sorry for the lack of creativity in the next few posts till I get my touch back. And in case I don't, gosh, it means this blog will be a horrible read.

Ah. June. It's the end of... well, almost everything actually.

Thesis.Exams.School life.
Grad trips - Korea and Taiwan.
Loads of fun - enjoying it before work starts.

I'll touch on them slowly but surely.

Last sem was seriously quite fun. The only serious piece of work seemed to be the thesis, which was actually enjoyable. It was a lot of getting to know more econs people who technically has been studying the same damn thing as me for the last 4 years. It's amazing how much I squeeze the getting-to-know-them-in-4-years part into one sem. Barring all negativities I have about NUS, this is what makes varsity life more like varsity. I would love to sincerely thank everyone who made the honours room so alive. The outings keep on coming, but you know we Singaporeans never say such thanks in person, and because I am such a typical scared-to-look-awkward Singaporean, I would only write it here. But you know I mean it.

Going to work is like this scary thing now. It's like going into army or going overseas to study where you seem to disappear for a long long time. You have a checklist of things to do, people to meet before work starts, as if work is going to consume you (maybe it will). "Oh, better do this before you start work", "better do that".

It's almost silly. But you know, like I always say, I'm so typical that I'm behaving silly too.

But silly is good sometimes. It retains that bit of innocence left in us. I'm taking time to review and update my contact lists, write thank you cards to my Commander in army and Professors in school, write e-mails to people whose friendships I once swore to myself that I'll never give up.

The sad truth is that sometimes we forget and let other priorities run us down. There is nothing more sad than to forget forever.

This time, I hope to get them right again.

Yeah, that explains this blog too. =)


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