Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Quod Petis Hic Est

"What You Seek is Hard"


NJC Archery competition over, work ending soon, CORS started, a new semester awaits.

I realised I have not really, truly blogged in a while. Despite many thoughts and events, the energy to write just isn't there.

Jolts of thoughts hit me today. Frenzied thoughts-striking clouds. I think this blog needs a revamp to be revived. It just doesn't look fresh anymore.

Like so many things in life, relationships, actions. We need that new injection of novelty once a while. To recharge and even to protect against undesired "viruses". To always pursue, seek and figure out that extra something that we have never found out yet.

And now, I need to seek for new inspirations. To ponder over, to write, to keep my thoughts alive. And the most exceptional thing is that in the midst of doing so, I remembered the good times that made me alive. Downloading pictures of the last NJC Archery Competition, remembering the steamboat dinner; could any memory be more alive than that now?


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