Friday, June 17, 2005


winning is not everything

for those who somehow managed to read this in time:

winning is not everything.

pride and belief in your team is.
trust and mutual respect in your peers is.

if you can't have pride and belief in your team;
you never had a team.

man is selfish
i know. i am too.
but man knows integrity.
and sticks by agreement and words promised.
when selfishness rules over integrity
the man. is unworthy.

clapping is done with the hands
rejoicing with the heart
who knows?
i might do one.
or neither.

a piece of metal
a thunderous applause
then go be a clown
and i'll throw you a coin.

but do know
that a life lived with integrity
even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune
is a shining star
in whose light, many others will follow in years to come.

a life lived for the applause
is a shooting star
but a moment of brilliance
all sound and fury
signifying nothing.

lose like a winner!
or win like a loser.

join my list!
in the depths,
at the bottom,
amongst the ranks,
of those, who disappoint


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