Saturday, July 02, 2005


a saturday, that saturdays were like, once

I rose at 7, shaking off that last remnants of slumber. as the daub of daziness starts to clear, i remembered, that today was the kind of saturday i used to have. well, almost.

one more week to the finale!
a crowning glory, though not the zenith.
to another chapter,
where i can sign off, and put to rest,
for a little while.

after the morning rituals of brushing my teeth and the likes, i slipped on my berms and an old scout t-shirt (one of my all time fav shirt, bought in 1995. it is as old a scout as I am.), which fitted ever so seemly. ahhh, maybe they no longer make t-shirts like they used to. or maybe, that the comfort is not provided by the material, but by the intangibles. of affection, of memories, of passion.

so many roles we play in life. and so many saturdays it has been, that I have been an archer. moments cherished definitely, but as my mind wanders into the vaults of time, I found, that there are moments I have missed much.

After a quick breakfast, I was off to Rainbow Center for one last final meeting before the charity event actual on 9th July. I was early, then again, I never liked to be late. I had the time to enjoy a cup of Teh-O at the coffeeshop besides Queenstown MRT, afterwhich hanging around to see all the scouts coming, gathering and falling in, while waiting for June Kiat to arrive.

it's amazing, to just see and think that for years after years after years in the last 70 years ,our scouts have been falling in for their activities. In many ways scouting has changed, but in essence, scouts will still be scouts, just as boys will be boys. =)

The meeting itself was just.. a procedure? Well, no doubt it ironed out issues that needed to be, but what is more important to me at least, is how it is actually run on the ground. Situational awareness, as I would like to call it. people-manage, and not paper-manage. but no matter what, i'm still hoping for the best =)

even as i'm typing now, i couldn't help but open my wardrobe and glance fondly at my scout uniform. badges are but pieces of cloth, but yet each represent so much experiences and memories. symbols. and isn't that what people believe in? there wasn't really a need for something real, physical. just a symbol, and the belief lives.

Nothing left to offer, but a photo from the good 'O days.


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