Sunday, August 07, 2005
Zouk for the 2nd time
Could still remember my first time in Zouk during army days when Pingbu brought me along. Lasted all the painful one hour before I decided to take a slow walk home. Yes, walked. Needed that much fresh air.
So this time round, I was lured by Edward's mail, though I never managed to find Edward in that sea of people inside Zouk. An event organised by the US Universities (Chicago and Pennsylvania), I thought it was going to be a good time to see friends that have disappeared to the US! And so I did, though I too realised that I was not fantastically close to them anyway.
And I too thought, it was a good time to lose myself.
As my heartbeat thumps to the loud trance music, with a life of its own. Ironically peaceful when the eyes are closed. Imagine not needing to think and just letting your heart pound. It's good not to be in control sometimes.
Bring out the booze people!
We (Me, Jeff, Mike, Haoyong, XT, Dirong and his gf Peiyin) had supper along River Valley road. It was nice getting to know Peiyin, afterall, I always believed that it's healthy to know your buddies' gfs =)
Cab home with Mike, and actually switched on the comp to listen to some music. Proper music with lyrics. Aamazing to find Cheowhui online, and we had a little chat. I think that was close to 5am. This is getting crazy.
Rag earlier on Saturday morning. Managed to take some photos before my camera went bonkers. I thought everyone improved from last year! Though the amazing thing is tht Biz Ad did not win anything! Must have been the shock of the year.
Meet the overall winner........ SCIENCE!
In the wise words of Jeffrey.
"Don't let it fuck you over and over again."