Wednesday, July 13, 2005



Being A Romance Within The Realms Of Faerie

I'm beginning to get tired of Hollywood-styled depiction of Good VS Evil, or the blurry line between it. Of gory wars and supposedly real life heros who can never die. Of guns and nuclear-carrying missiles.

I missed simple tales of "Once-upon-a-time"s and "happily-ever-after"s. Of simple characters that are not so deep that you have to frown and gasp to understand them. Of adventure in the realms of fantasy. Of magic that can both bring lightning and rained flowers.

I enjoyed Stardust tremendously, and it was one of those wonderful things that has happened while I'm sick in bed. I was very sure that I was reading a book, but yet the book chinkled and sang as I flipped the pages, with music of romance, magic and fantasy filling the air, sometimes with a dash of darkness. Neil Gaiman is a musician, and Charles Vess paints life, such fantastic illustration.

This harsh world is in need of such a enchanting fairy tale.

Every lover is in his heart a madman,
and in his head a minstrel.

ahh, I shall not spoil the story for you by giving a summary or the likes, but all I can say is that from the beginning till the end, Gaiman has brought me on a tour within the realms of the faerie, and told me wise tales in lyrical prose from the world of fantasy. Told me of a man, just like any of us, who went off to seek his Heart's Desire, but only to find it in another form; and maybe that's us too, not truly knowing what we really desire.

Life can be a fairy tale too. It can end with "happily ever after" too. If you believe in it.


And oh. Happy Birthday buddy Tinkie =)


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