Thursday, October 13, 2005


good karma costs USD250

As luck would have it... erm.. or rather, as money would have it, I got the laptop back. A new hard disk (and faster), full data recovery, and USD250 poorer. I convinced myself that all the photos and data and convenience was worth the money, but mentally summing it up tells me that I would have to save more than what I planned to. Gold mine is low indeed.

So in typical Californian style. I'm back.

Not with a loud bang though, and this I seek forgiveness. Blame it to the 3 mid-terms tests and 2 homework assignments I have due next week, in view of a terribly busy weekend when Edward comes visiting, all the way from U Penn. Hit the beaches while the sun is still nice and warm.

Its getting colder here too, and walking through school early in the mornings for lessons turns my cheeks rosy. How the American girls still go about in their mini-skirts and simple tops without a sweater beats me, but it is no time for me to prove my manliness, nor do I feel the need to. The afternoon sun is still warm and nice, thankfully.

So anyway, this means that the journey continues (I hear some groans already, with exclamations of "oh no, not that boring travelling stuff again?") from where it was left off.

Somewhere in the depths of my memories.


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