Tuesday, October 04, 2005


idle blogger

Dear Readers,

If you noticed that this entry is actually on time (as in not back-logged), then I thank you for being such a observant follower.

But alas, a blogger with his laptop is like a knight without his lance, and as my laptop sits impaitently in the UCI Computerstore Tech Services waiting to be diagnosed for problems queer to me, I could only withdraw to my castle of books and do battles from here.

And it is through loss that we appreciate what we have. And losing the tool of communication made me feel home-sick even earlier than I had expected, now that I can no longer entertain myself with the cyber-nonsense of web-surfing and MSN to take away the lonely nights.

When this letter burns (ie entry deleted), it is an omen that I'm back.

I await that moment with nothing but hope. Hope that my mobile phone rings soon.

Yours truly,


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