Tuesday, November 01, 2005



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Halloween is a distinctively American affair.

Someone once told me that the Chinese has our Qing Ming Festival, so the Americans have their Halloween, and always in the spirit of making things fun, Halloween turns out to be a pretty cool event.

Candies candies everywhere! (for the record, they also give out free candies at supermarkets!)

I regretted not carrying my camera to school, because I never expected people to be dressing up already! Xiaotian once told me that Halloween is just an excuse for girls to dress up in as little as possible, and I must say that there are elements of truth in that *laughs*. Guys in purple suits, girls in Catwoman attires.. It's not like everyone's dressed up, but enough to make the walk around school interesting.

And the parties. How can we forget how all the minors (you need to be 21 here to drink) get drunk or try to get someone drunk in her devilish attire. No need to go too far, just take a look at the apartments around me.

It's just unfortunate that it's on a Monday night though, or else I'm sure it'll be even more happening.

And you know, me being me, I took a bus ride in the deep of the cold to this particular famous neighborhood (damn I'm already spelling without the "u") that always decorate up for Halloween to check out the "Treats or Trick"s! It's kinda fun to watch, but I wish I grew up here too, and have that kind of memories to take into old age with me =)

My costume?

Erm, don't I look scary enough?

*gives scary face*


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