Thursday, October 27, 2005


Other UCI happenings

Before you start wondering that I'm not in school half the time because I never did seem to mention school at all of late (that would be entirely erroneous, for I am a good student. ahem ahem), so here's a little update on the happenings around school.


UCIncredibles (24 September)

So it's a lame-sounding event. But overall, it was quite a success! The school organized this event in the park on one of the nights, for the people in the dorm to socialise and watch "The Incredibles" together! I pulled my roommate to the event, despite the fact that I've watched it twice before, but he hasn't, so I'm alright. To our surprise, there were people crowding around the portable projector and screen, lying on the grass with their towels and all armed with sweaters and snacks.

And we thought no one is going to show up.

There were some crazy happenings too, as fans come in "The Incredibles" attires and taking photos. Of course, there's also the occasional Batmans and Superwomen, who, despite a little out of theme, provided much entertainment.

We watched the show in the cold, the good things is that my roommate and I had "VIP" seats, as in we found 2 slabs of rock and got ourselves comfortable. Well, at least till even the rock got too cold. But it was great fun!

But hey, with a show like that, and at least with a sizeable audience, how can it screw up?


Midnight Magic (15 October)

16 October is the first official day that the college basketball teams can start training for the season (don't ask me who sets these rules), so in UCI, it's a tradition that we hold a "Midnight Magic" the night before to celebrate the beginning of the Basketball season!

Free food, drinks and a CIA (Completely Insane Anteaters) T-shirt to be given out!

Plus cheerleaders' performances, amounting to the introduction of the Men and Women Basketball Teams, and Slam dunks competitions! It's a whole lot of fun as everyone gathers and cheers in the Bren Events Center to witness the countdown to Midnight and the beginning of the season. The players show off their stuff and audience joined in the games.

What a way to feel the UCI Spirit.

As the mascot will say: "ZOT! ZOT!"


Career Fair (19 October)

I went for classes bright and early at 8am, well aware that there will be a Career Fair going on in school today along the Ring Road. Tentages were set up the day before by the contractors, but no one was at the booth yet, for obvious reasons that it was too early. Little did I know that it was more than what I expected.

So I stepped into the lecture theatre, and to my surprise, half the class was all dressed up. No, I don't mean the Singaporean definition of dressed up = shirt + pants. I mean suits. Ties. Portfolios. Combed hair. Shiny black shoes. Black business skirts. Stockings. You get the idea.

For a moment I thought everyone had presentations that day. Well. Nah.

Everyone was suited up for the Career Fair, and since my Econs class is a upper division, many of them will be graduating this year. Seeking a job, or even an internship is serious business here in the US. So it's not even surprising that they all have their resumes ready in their professional looking portfolios. And suits. Everyone has a suit here, and it's called "business formal".

One thing we got to learn from the Americans, definitely, is the way to market ourselves. I mean, these guys are the pros man. Smooth, slick and big enough to fill the suit to make it look great. These packages make a confidence man.

And sometimes it's true. That even if all you say was bullshit, you got to say it with style.


Oktoberfest! (21 October)

So the annual beer-drinking event is here. Right here in UCI.

Before I go on to (boringly) describe the event, I would like to make a bold claim that "kiasu-ism" is not a Singaporean thing. It's a everyone thing, but it just happens that we put a word to it when no one else does.

So when there is free food and beer, there will be people.

The beer booth

The queue 1 hr before the beer was distributed.

Ok, so there were games, lucky draws (called "raffles" pronounced "RA-furs" but I shall not used it), and a concert by some random rock bands. Come on, this is the US, people just decide to form rock bands like how we decide what to eat for lunch.

My roommate Luo (in yellow) playing Tug-of-War

I queued up for my free hotdog and soda, eventually.

And was 10 mins late for class.


Strike (26 October)

I was walking out of class one day.

Just one of those normal school days (geez, this is sounding like a Primary School composition), until I heard chanting. And I was like, what, chanting?

"UCI is no good!
Treat your workers like you should!"

And I'm most amused to see people walking in circles outside our administration building, all dressed in something green. Like how cool is this? I've always wanted to see a strike! Ignorant Singaporean, coming from such a peaceful land where speech is so free that no one does it.

The report can be read here, if interested.

Basically, it's a strike by workers who were outsourced by the University to work on campus, such as sweepers, vendors and the likes, and maybe of them are Mexicans. And as such, they are complaining that since they are outsourced, they are given lower pay and fewer benefits compared to staff directly employed by UCI. And the best part is the support from the student body!

Come on people! Let's support the workers' cause!

Chant with me!

"¿Se puede? Sí, se puede."
[Can it be done? Yes, it can be done.]


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