Sunday, May 28, 2006


"closure for all your regrets..."

How Do II have somewhat a pretty good memory.

Especially of what people has said or written. Sometimes they strike me at the moment it was spelt out, causing me to indulge in moments of quiet reflection soon after. Sometimes they come back to me after a while, when the situation fitting the statement arises, it seems.

This is really why no man is an island. Everytime I meet someone, something said or written is bound to leave an impression, that will leave me with much afterthoughts.

It was one of those nights with many thoughts in my head that this line stood out. That in life, we sometimes would really have to find "closures for all our regrets...". I struggled a while to recall who wrote that, and I remembered. =) Thank you.

While it is so simple a line, it is definitely hard to do. And at times, closures aren't always the best way to deal with regrets. They come back, every once in a while. And it's so hard. so so hard, to really put an end to regrets.

"...thought I'd be safe,
living behind this wall..."
- "How Do I" by Lee Ryan

As I toyed with that line over and over again in my head, it just brings about streams of regrets. Some I've forgotten, some I've dealt with. Some, I've yet to see the full consequences, are happening now and slowly unfolding along my life journey.

For those dealt with, I'm glad. They have allowed me to move on, and probably even have done better.

For those I've forgotten, I hope they don't come back to haunt me. They say it's never too late to chang anything, but that's not always true; there are just some things that are too late. A remedy is never going to be as good as a cure or prevention.

For those that are happening now, I can only work hard at them, turning regrets into new hopes. I then wondered if Time is on my side, as I seek a closure for all of them. I doubt it, but yet I cannot afford to let them accumulate and get me down.

For all the questions I have no answers too, I hope I seek them out soon. Before I entrap myself.


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