Friday, April 28, 2006



If you're going bonkas from studying, and display inclinations towards doing silly things and getting a kick out of it at the end, Kathleen called it "自-high".

See how creative Singaporeans are? *beams*

Actions include laughing at self-created lame jokes (that no one else catches anyway), throwing grapes high up in the air and trying to land it in your mouth, posing stuff toys in attempts to encourage yourself from studying. Laughing uncontrollably at the end is a MUST.

Studying can be pretty upsetting. Don't be disheartened. You're not alone. Look who's here to share my burden!

Pandy (my stuff toy panda given by Chelsea~!)
with the classic Livestrong Band.
All prepared in the race to be the Beijing 2008 Official Mascot

Kathleen's Tigger with Jolene's specs.
Looking intelligent on Jolene's laptop.
An excuse for Jolene NOT to touch her laptop.


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