Tuesday, April 18, 2006


the great SEP hangover

I've printed out my timetable for the exams.

Sorted out all my notes into 5 neat piles.

ABOUT finished all my papers to be handed in before the exams start.

But you know what is the worrying thing? It's not the fact that I'm not that stressed, but the fact that I'm STILL trying to stress myself, trying to convince myself that the exams are really just around the corner, 2 days from today.

It's called the great SEP hangover. I'm not alone, I know, because 3 other people I've met (Glenn, Shuli and Ray) are facing the same crisis. It's this "huh, study? not all S/U like last sem meh? relak la!" mentality that will wipe us off the face of the flawlessly cruel NUS system.


The other really scary thing is that I'm not having any exams in any MPSH this sem. Which means I'll not be part of the famed heat-trapping, staircase-crawling crowd. All part of the exams festive spirit to get you into the mood of things, no? =) I'm missing out! So jealous! =p

AND my largest seat number is 23, with the smallest being 13. Says a lot about the size of my classes, and I suspect this will be the norm henceforth.


For those seeking moments of inspiration, you might like to try the following link.



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